Monday, January 27, 2020

Types of unemployment and their importance

Types of unemployment and their importance As a matter of fact, there are a lot of the meanings of unemployment. Generally, unemployment is a state of the people who are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for works. Moreover, we have two ways to express the amount of unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. Unemployment can be estimated as a rate of two numbers: amount of jobless people in labor force and total number of labor force. Claimant and Standardized are two means of estimating unemployment rates. However, collected information can be influenced by many factors: false claimants, demoralized work-seekers, part-time employees, and underground economy, etc. In a labor market, wages would adjust to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. There are two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. There are three types of disequilibrium unemployment: real wages unemployment, demand- deficient unemployment and growth in the labor supply. Demand deficient is one of the most factor which influences on the economy growth quickly because of the recession. The recession just happens in a short time but in fact, It will change many factors such as workers are difficult to get a job or the countrys GDP fall rapidly. Equilibrium unemployment has three types: Frictional unemployment that occurs as a result of imperfect information in the labor market. Structural unemployment arises from changes in the pattern of demand or supply in economy. Seasonal unemployment associated with industries or regions where the demand for labor is lower at certain times of the year. Table of Contents I. Introduction 5 II. Unemployment Error: Reference source not found6 A. The meaning of unemployment 6 B. Official measures of unemployment 8 C. Unemployment and the labour market 11 D. Types of disequilibrium unemployment 14 Real-wage unemployment Demand deficient or cyclical unemployment..à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Case studyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.17 E. Equilibrium unemployment (or natural unemployment) 19 Fritional (search) unemployment Error: Reference source not found Structural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment.. III. Conclusion 21 Introduction The serious problem which every country must deal with increase their economy is unemployment. Therefore, before going any further we have to define precisely what we mean by unemployment. It depends on how narrowly it is defined. Actually, the general meaning is no job. Each country almost wants have a low amount of unemployment because if we have a high unemployment amount, our economy will gradually decrease our income. As a result, our economy will go down a lot. In order to understand easily we can examine how the economy flows as below: Unemployment Æ’Â   ® No income  ® No consumption  ­  ¯ Lay off workers  ¬ Productions Æ’Å ¸  ¬ Aggregate demand Æ’Å ¸ So, this flow chart keeps happen continuously over and over. Thats why our GDP is getting lower and lower as well as jobless people are getting higher and higher. II/ Unemployment: The meaning of unemployment As a matter of fact, almost countries experienced the recession. Moreover, the unemployment figures bring the recession into an even sharper focus. However, the average of unemployment has different levels in different countries. There are many different definitions of unemployment. As a result, we will focus on the meaning of unemployment and the ways express the amount of unemployment. Firstly, we have to address the meaning of unemployment. Generally, unemployment simply means that a person is jobless. Nevertheless, this meaning is not exactly right because children and retired people will be not essential for the statistics. Regardless of the fact that Michael Todaro defines it in two ways as voluntary and involuntary unemployment. The definition of voluntary unemployment is that the people do not find employment, and want to stay at home in order to take care of their families. Conversely, people are able and willing to work but there are no jobs available for them. Therefore, we can understand that unemployment is a state of the people who are adequate standards of health as well as ages and able to work, but they are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for work. Secondly, we should concentrate on the ways express the amount of unemployment. As a rule, there are two ways so as to represent the unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. The number unemployed is used when people are unable to find a job even so they are reading and waiting to work at the prevailing wage. Alternatively, the economists can be expressed the unemployment rate as a percentage if they represent the percentage of total labor force which includes all persons in employment and unemployment. In other words, the prevalence of unemployment usually express as the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of the labor force. For instance, if there were 30 million people in employment and 2 million people in unemployment in a country, we could find the unemployment rate by: All things considered, unemployment is one of the most important problems in the economy. The level of unemployment usually shows the economic situation in a country. Furthermore, it also changes over time because it depends on the economic conditions and other circumstances. B) Official measures of unemployment Unemployment is the serious problem in every country. It is one of the primary factors has effected to the increasing or the decreasing Government income. The main objective of every economy is always attempt to cut down a percentage of unemployment rates as low as possible, because it can be a charge of social, an ineffectiveness of human resources or a reduction of national revenue. In order to resolve these crisis effects we need to estimate the unemployment rate to boost the national economy. There are two general measures of unemployment: Claimant unemployment and Standardized unemployment rates. Claimant unemployment: According to this measure unemployment rate will be calculated as percentage between the number of claimants and the total of labor force. It has several important advantages. For example, it is not too difficult to resume information, and it is the fastest method so far. Although the method has the advantages listed above, it also has some disadvantages such as false information or overstate of people just wants to get allowance but not really looking for a job. In addition, this number excludes jobless people that cannot satisfies the qualified for benefits. Standardized unemployment rates: This is the modern formula set up by two international organizations: The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based primarily on them the rate will be collected by national labor force examination. Basically, work forces are enough old to go to work and also active to looking for a job right now. It is an improved measure but it still has the limit in somehow. First, we can observe it on the effective factor. For instance, providing the more exactly figure than Claimant unemployment because it include people who highly want to find out a job but cannot be eligible claimant at the meantime. In contrast, several bad factors of this method make it has some less effective. It is taking much time to survey and statistic. Moreover, it cannot count discouraged workers who have given up looking for a job after long-term unemployment. And people work for underground economy, which have illegal job for example drug dealer, mafia and etc. can be consider as unemployment while part-time workers who would like to get the full-time job but they cannot get any suitable jobs are excluded from unemployment numbers. To illustrate this let examine the unemployment rate in Australia with the method of Standardized unemployment rates from source of CIA world factbook: Source of CIA world factbook. Based on above column chart- the numbers of Australian unemployment rate survey from labor force- we can observe the lowest rate in 2009 and the peak in 2003. However, the percentage from 2009 to 2010 increases dramatically with percentage of +1.5% because the influence global economic resection. In order to avoid economic seriously affected by the recession, Australian government has solutions by injecting a lot of money as well as push their citizens to spend money to expand more job for Australians. However, this situation still does not effective in this time. To sum up, Australian government should have the right policies to improve this situation unemployment. C) Unemployment and the labor market In a labor market, wages would adjust in order to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. The reasons of unemployment can be divided into two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. In a perfectly competitive labor market, the intersection of demand and supply curves determined the wage rate and level of employment. Real wage S D N Labor Real wage S D Labor Average (Real) Wage Rate AS N e d W AD O Q No. of workers Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. According to the Sloman (2007), the aggregate supply of labor curve (AS) is fairly inelastic and it may become less inelastic when the new labor enter the labor market or the unemployed workers rather start to work than search for a new better job . It indicates the number of workers who are willing to accept the work at different real wage rate. Besides, the downward slope is the aggregate demand for labor curve (AD). Firms will spare employees and replace some factors of the production when the real wage rate is getting higher. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. D) Types of disequilibrium unemployment: 1. Real wage unemployment: Firstly, we focus on the real-wage unemployment which is the form of disequilibrium unemployment. It occurs when real wages for works are forced above the market-clearing level leading to an excess supply of labor. As a matter of fact, trade unions are one of the most important causes of real-wage unemployment because they control the wages by their power. However, their power has diminished significantly over recent years. Moreover, it is popularly believed that the minimum wage is also the reason for real wage unemployment. 2. Demand-deficient It also calls cyclical or Keynesian unemployment. If the economy slides into recession or inflation, this thing will happen. Besides, aggregate demand is a caused of demand deficient. If demand for goods and services decrease, it leads to the surplus of output and consequently, the firm are forced to dismiss amount of labor they employ before. Furthermore, the recession lasts more seriously and the higher will worst case. In addition, the people who out of work will be de-skilled or de motivated. As a result, it is hard to find a new job in the future or perhaps they earn a few money in lowing job. Cyclical unemployment will increase during the recession time otherwise will go down when the economy recover. Moreover, demand deficient may be happen in the long term because of many reasons. The first thing is if the company cut wages of worker, it dues to it will influences on aggregate demand and consumer spending. Next reason is the higher of unemployment will make the customer l imit their spending and it makes the GDP of one country will reduce Demand deficient unemployment is associated with the theory of J.M.Keynes who developed his General Theory of Money against a backdrop of the Great (.December 2nd, 2009 | economics) Unemployment caused by a fall in total demand with no fall in the real wage rate. Why real wage would not fall ? There are two reasons to explain this question Efficiency wages: The first thing is the traditional one of balancing the demand and supply of labor. The second is motivating workers. Efficiency wages means we will attract the qualified employees by pay higher salaries than the market clearing. Furthermore, the surplus labor market can make the employer work less hard and make substandard goods. Another ideas is that it can make the number of unemployment increase rapidly because they will hire a group of people who can work effective, as a result, they will get a lot of profits from employment. Insider power: the people are members of unions and they also have many special skills or their knowledge can attract employers while the outsiders do not have influence on the firm. As a result, the outsiders can drive down the real wage rate even eliminate demand- deficient unemployment. To examine more details about this problems, if the real wage really fall , perhaps we cannot solve this problem and might be make it worse because they will cut in workers wages, it leads to the workers income also go down. Consequently, labor force have to reduce their consumption of goods ->remain demand deficient unemployment. In addition, although the economy can overcome again, the demand deficient still fall steadily because of business cycle. 3. Growth in the labor supply The labor supply and demand need to balance together. If the supply of labors increases, it means there are many workers will seek the firm, but in fact there is not enough demand of labors, it may be a cause of unemployment. Moreover, the real wage will fall and it is also a disadvantage of things with employers. Finally, the woman or the children have over 16 years old can get a part time job despite the lower average wage rate. CASE STUDY Figure: Rates of unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64): 1995-2005 I will show you more details about unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64) 1995- 2005. It is difficult to measure of youth unemployment from full- time student to full time worker. In Australia, the trends of young people combine education and employment in many different ways. For instance, many teenage schools always find a part- time job to support their tuition fees such as waiters or waitress in the restaurant or Vietnamese students help their host selling foods in the supermarket Young people try on different types of post- school education just as they try-on different jobs (Wynn,2005). Moreover, it is hard to find a full-time job in 2005 because of recession. As a result, 20% teenagers who look for full- time work are unemployed (Parliamentary Library,2005). In figure 4 show unemployment among youth has fallen by a relatively large 5%, otherwise, the older workers also go down strongly in 2005 with 2%.Due to, a rise in participation rate of this group. Recent unemployment is a second group which is facing high unemployment. There three reasons, first of all are youth people, they have to spend a lot of time to find out information to get a suitable job. It is difficult for person who cannot speak English and they also shock by many varieties of culture even lacking of good- skills. Finally, the discrimination is one of the most important things because it always happens everywhere such as sexual, national origins or age (Richardson et at 2004). Data for 2005 show that migrants with these characteristics quickly find employment six months after arrival, 83% of skilled primary applicant had a job, while 12% were looking for work(5% were not in the labor force)*. In general, higher unemployment and non- participation in the labor force than for skilled primary applicants. Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. E) Equilibrium unemployment is the economic situation in which aggregate demands for and supplies for labor at the current real wage rate are equal. There are three types of equilibrium unemployment: 1. Frictional unemployment: Can be understand like this example, a  first-time job seeker  may lack  the resources or efficiency  for finding the company that has  the job that is available and suitable for him or her.  As a result this person does not take other work, temporarily holding out for the better-paying job. Basically to understand that frictional unemployment is the place which is helps unemployment to search or find jobs for them, even they are voluntarily. Even though after the unemployment try their first job and they cant be suitable with that , they can be continue to ask the frictional unemployment to help them again to search a new job. In this place, so many available unemployment for workers search and neither for unemployment. 2. Structural unemployment: As you know, the computers may have eliminated jobs but they also opened up some of new positions for those who have the skill to operate. As we know, the structural unemployment is the place for company to changes their economy. There are 2 main reasons: A change in the pattern of demand b) A change in the method of production 3. Seasonal unemployment: Unemployment expected at a given time of year. Resort areas, for example, can expect to experience seasonal unemployment during the off-season. Unemployment statistics provided by the government are seasonally adjusted. CONCLUSION Unemployment is a serious problem with each country which has an important effect of society as well as economy. Firstly, we need to estimate a detailed amount of unemployment rate of each careers and ages. Moreover, from this estimate, the government needs to release the type of unemployment which will be necessary to improve. From this point, it should put forward a lot of suitable strategy or policy about society and jobs. To improve this situation, we should have job information, which is provided by government job centers, by private employment agencies, or by local and national newspapers.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Radio-the Movie

Radio Topic 1 – Psychological Disorders There are many different types of psychological disorders and even more people who fall under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Nevid, 2009, p. 524). In the movie Radio, the main character is a young man name James Robert Kennedy. Also known as Radio, James is in the first scene of the movie shown pushing a shopping cart down a railroad track and is mumbling under his breath and walking with an awkward limp. Immediately the viewer starts to get the idea that there is something abnormal about him.When I looked at the DSM I noticed that Radio fell under Axis II of mental retardation. Our book defines this as â€Å"A generalized delay or impairment in the development of intellectual and adaptive skills or abilities† (Nevid, 2009, p. 524). He has a very hard time socializing with others and comprehending simple information. At the beginning of the movie Radio is walking by the football field and the coach noti ces him. He walks over towards him and says, â€Å"I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry for what happened yesterday†. Radio responds by trying to give back the football he found that was kicked over the fence.The day before, a few boys from the football team were caught locking him in the equipment shed and throwing footballs at it scaring him very badly. The coach opens the door and tries to help untie him but Radio doesn’t seem to understand that the coach is only trying to help. You can tell here that his intellectual skills are severely impaired. Radio cannot care for himself and is very dependent on others in the movie for him to survive. One example of this is on Christmas, he calls the coach and says â€Å"What pants do I wear? † because his mother is not home to dress him and he also ask the coach how the pants look over the phone.The coach takes Radio home one day after practice and meets his mother. He asks her what is wrong with him but the moth er said that the doctor didn’t really diagnose him with anything, just that he was a little slower than others. She said he has a brother named Walter who is just fine. This movie is based off of the seventies so it is probable that then, we didn’t have nearly as much information on mental retardations. I couldn’t really get enough information to categorize him as anything more specific either nor am I educated enough on the topic to make such an assumption.Radio clearly suffers from a psychological disorder and could not survive on his own. He couldn’t adapt quickly enough to get the things he needs if he were not around someone he could depend on. He also lacks many intellectual skills and has many of the complications that I read from the Google Health website. He cannot care for himself, interact with others appropriately, and is socially isolated.Work Cited Nevid, JS. (2009). Psychology concepts and applications. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. Google Health, www. google. com/health

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Relationships between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

The play â€Å"Macbeth† by William Shakespeare is about cruelty, greediness, and desire of undeserved power. Actually, the main characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both representative of the abovementioned qualities. Relationships between Macbeth and his wife are complex and tangled; moreover, they are changing over the play progress. Their relations play important role in the play as they aim at setting necessary atmosphere, creating moods, attitudes and feelings. It is seen that their relations aren’t perfect, though they stay with each other till the end: Macbeth: â€Å"We will proceed no further in this business: He hath honour'd me of late; and I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon†.  Lady Macbeth: â€Å"Was the hope drunk wherein you dress'd yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look so green and pale at what it did so freely? From this time; such I account thy love. Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor; Letting â€Å"I dare not† wait upon â€Å"I would,† Like the poor cat i' the adage?† (Act I, scene II) Apparent disagreement is seen in the family and it continues throughout the play. Lady Macbeth is horrifying in her ruthlessness and cruelty, whereas she calls her husband a coward when he decides not to kill Duncan stressing that his decision is final and shouldn’t be discussed any more. In contrast to Macbeth, his wife is decision and leads everything to the end. She always makes her mind and only then acts. Lady Macbeth is provided with the power of persuasion and we see that she is more powerful than her husband as she convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan and he agrees. So, relations of the couple are based mainly on Lady’s Macbeth will as she is natural leader, whereas he husband is simply executor. Macbeth is presented to listen to his wife in such a way admitting her leadership and intellectual superiority. Nevertheless, their relations are based also on the sense of openness and mutual trust. It is hardly believable that Lady Macbeth talks her husband into murdering a person and their relationships are worsening as the mood of love is replaced by hatred. Macbeth is timid and fearful failing to go on: Macbeth: â€Å"I'll go no more: I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on't again I dare not.† Lady Macbeth: â€Å"Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil. If he does bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt†. (Act II, scene II) Nevertheless, their relations are on the peak only when Macbeth becomes a king and they are filled with joy and happiness. They are shown to free of guilt and full of love and desire of more power. They are happily discussing the number of guests from Scotland to be invited to the feast. Their relations are improving and now they are loving family rather than guilty murders. However, there are pure evil, despite they are wrapped up in a luxurious exterior. Premeditated murder is the first step into darkness and Macbeth and his wife have taken in without stopping. As far as they are free of guilt, they are agreeable and happy together. They are both presentation of masculinity in the play. They think if they are happy, their evil would turn around and â€Å"nip them in the butt†. Only after Macbeth experiences a tale of woe, his attitude towards wife is changing. It is evil which comes back and haunts him. Then Lady Macbeth is visited by Banguo, the ghost, who creates the feeling of discomfort and urgency to act: Macbeth: â€Å"Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that which might appall the devil?† Lady Macbeth: â€Å"O proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear: This is the air-drawn dagger which, you said, led you to Duncan. O, these flaws, and starts, – Impostors to true fear,–would well become A woman's story at a winter's fire, Authorized by her grandam. Shame itself! Why do you make such faces? When all's done, you look but on a stool†. (Act III, scene IV) Lady Macbeth supports and defends her husband. When she sees that her husband is ready to reveal everything, she lies to honored guests protecting her secrets. She loves her husband and in her speech we see she is really downcast and uncomfortable, though she is still full of love. Together they are trying to fight against the sense of guilt, the rumors supporting and nourishing their love. There are shown as united and bonded couple and it may seem that evil is succeeding. It is necessary to outline that relationships between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are directly affecting their actions, decisions and behavior. In other words, they are interconnected not only by family ties, but also common secrets. Their relations are the block of the whole play. When they are getting into detailed conversation, they always find mutual decision, though it is not a good one. Macbeth loves his wife and his life is mutual; they always try to please each other. Sometimes they relations are on the peak, though sometimes they meet the flat line. Macbeth is obsessed with greediness and Lady Macbeth is overfilled with desire to make her husband a king. So, their mutual support results in catastrophe for the country of Scotland. In the end we see that Macbeth becomes obsessed with greediness more than his cruel and demon-infested wife. He even doesn’t talk to her making Lady Macbeth commit suicide. Even then the evil in Macbeth is flourishing and he simply doesn’t notice that his beloved woman has gone. Shakespeare shows that Macbeth is on his stairway to the hell collapsing the whole empire built by Duncan. Macbeth is left alone: soldiers and his trust companion abandon him. It seems that Macbeth should feel ashamed and guilty, though he is obsessed with evil. So, desire of power and money splits up their family relations. Evil and darkness appears to be more powerful than love and happiness. Works Cited Damrosch, David. Longman Anthology of World Literature. US: Longman, 2004. Greenblatt, Stephen. Renaissance Self Fashioning: From More to   Shakespeare. US: Chicago Press, 1984. Shakespeare, William. Plays and Poems. London: Spring books, 1966. Taylor, Edward. Literary Criticism of 17th Century England. London: Universe, 2000.               

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Gun Rights and Freedom Essay - 2292 Words

I have had guns in my life since I was young. I served eight years in the military, and have shot in competitions for many years. I also love the outdoors, and enjoy the ability to put food on the table that is natural. I think the reasons for keeping the right to bear arms are so important that if the American people lost that right; it would mean life changes that many would be unwilling to make. The Bill of Rights are a set of laws, which includes the 2nd Amendment, which helps secure the publics freedoms. The public needs to decide if this law is still an important part of the freedom this country enjoys. If the people do not protect this country and the way of life, who will? The public needs to take a close look at gun control†¦show more content†¦2).With 12.5 million hunters in the United States, it seems as though most families have a reason to support hunting rights in country. Safety is a top propriety; new younger hunters are now required to pass a gun hunting sa fety class. The safety class deals with such issues as proper handling of a firearm, and safety issues and how one must never point a gun at anything that the hunter does not want to kill.â€Å"The hunter education course instills in students the knowledge and skill to be a responsible and safe hunter. The basic course consists of 10 lessons during a minimum of 10 hours. Students learn how hunting accidents are caused and how they can be prevented. Hunter responsibility and safety are stressed throughout the classes, which consist of lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, practical exercises, and individual study and activity assignments† (Wisconsin department of natural resources, 2009, p.1). Hunting is also important to the economy of the country in 2006, [125 million hunters entered the woods spending $22.9 billion that would have not went into the economy without hunting. Total cost of hunting equipment for hunting was $10.7 Billion](â€Å"2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation,† 2006). Which would not have went to local business without hunting. Hunting is not just a pastime in the United States; it is big business â€Å"Americans use firearms to defend themselves from criminals at leastShow MoreRelatedThe Freedom Of Speech, And Gun Ownership Rights1665 Words   |  7 Pageshomosexual rights, freedom of speech, and gun ownership rights. The Democratic Party is seen to be liberal political party. Looking on my views I do believe to see myself as a more democratic thinker even though there are a few things that do line up with the republican side. With all three of these topics that we are talking about it really makes me realize what all the ups and the dons are with each of these topics. 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Imagine, not being able to go target shooting or hunting, because there are laws passed to prevent you from owning a firearm. The truth is, more and more people in this country are trying to restrict law-abiding people from owning firearms due to the overwhelming rise in gun related crimesRead MoreModern Liberalism: Rousseau ´s Theory of Freedom894 Words   |  4 PagesFreedom is a difficult doctrine that takes part in politics. Philosophy emphasized entirely determined by public, particularly in sociology and economics. Liberty can clarify the distinction between negative and positive liberty, the following part of this essay covers two issues. Meanwhile, the second purpose in this essay is to explore the implication of negative and positive freedom on the relationship between the individual and the states which will utilize different real instance in the worldRead MoreEssay about The Second Amendment1632 Words   |  7 PagesState, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.† - Second Amendment. Throughout history, this sentence of twenty seven words has caused an intense debate. The polemic is that some people claim that a gun control policy is unconstitutional, while others disagree and even say it is necessary in order to reduce crime. Now, what does gun control mean? If it means to analyze who is responsible enough to own a gun by a â€Å"Universal Background Check†; that sounds right to everyoneRead MoreEssay on America Needs Gun Education, Not Gun Control Laws1735 Words   |  7 Pages Gun crime in America has become a big issue. We are barraged by news outlets with story after story showing the wide use of guns in horrific and tragic crimes. These crimes all too often end in single if not multiple deaths. Politicians and law makers ar e constantly trying to find ways to reduce these crimes and keep the public safe. Unfortunately their ideas or methods involve some measure meant at reducing or eliminating the public’s access to guns. This method only infringes on the basic andRead MoreA Well Regulated Militi The Founding Fathers And The Origins Of Gun Control1472 Words   |  6 PagesOrigins of Gun Control in America By Saul Cornell Introduction The Second Amendment remains one of the most controversial pieces of legislation in the contemporary America. The onset of the controversy regarding gun ownership rights can be traced back to the nineteenth century. Some of the major events that shaped the debate on gun ownership include Shay’s Rebellion and the dispute between federalists and anti-federalists. Slavery and the abolition movement also shaped the debate on gun ownership